Being a valued patient at Sino Hospital, you and your family shall have the following Rights:
- To be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity.
- To receive treatment regardless of my race, color, gender, language, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or source of payment.
- To access hospital services despite of my physical, intellectual or sensory disability
- To receive considerate and respectful care in a clean and safe environment free of unnecessary restraints.
- To privacy and confidentiality of treatment & health information.
- To know the name of my treating physician & his/her scope of practice and license.
- To receive information about my diagnosis, treatment options (including surgery), prognosis & any unanticipated outcomes and to have my questions answered.
- To participate in all decisions involving my health when such participation is not contraindicated.
- To receive timely assessment & treatment of pain, including education about how to manage my pain.
- To request a second opinion regarding my diagnosis and treatment plan.
- To obtain a copy of my medical record for which the hospital can charge a reasonable fee.
- To know the estimated cost of treatment, and payment schedule, at the time of admission, as well as subsequently.
- To receive a detailed bill and explanation for the charges.
- To refuse a recommended treatment to the extent permitted by law, and be informed about its medical consequences.
- To be given explanation for my transfer to another facility, including the right for alternative options.
- To refuse to take part in medical research undertaken by the hospital, without prior information and consent to such participation.
- To lodge a complaint and be made aware of the process of redressing it.
- To receive a discharge summary.
Being a valued patient at Sino Hospital, you and your family have the following Responsibilities:
- To be on time for my appointment with the doctor & to notify the OPD reception in advance if I am not able to do so.
- To provide accurate and complete information about identification details like name, address, phone number, date of birth, employment & health insurance.
- To provide accurate and complete information about present complaints, past medical history, previous hospitalizations, medications and other matters relating to my health.
- To report any changes in my condition or anything that appears unsafe to my nurse or doctor.
- To follow the treatment plan advised by the physician, including the instructions of the nurses and other health professionals as they carry out the physician’s orders.
- To confirm that I understand the course of the medical treatment and seek clarifications if required.
- To maintain the hospital’s decorum by assisting with control of noise and the number of visitors to the hospital.
- To be respectful towards the hospital staff and other patients and not to indulge in any activity that shall disrupt the work of the hospital or cause problems to others.
- To be respectful towards the property of others and of the hospital.
- To refrain from bringing alcohol, unauthorized drugs or weapons into the hospital.
- To respect the hospital as a non-smoking zone.
- To ensure that the payments for the received care are made in time when asked by the hospital.
- To understand that I am responsible for my own actions if I refuse treatment or not follow my physician’s advice.
- To sign the consent form in order to undergo any procedure/surgery in the hospital.