Anesthesia is a medical practice that induces a controlled state of temporary loss of sensation or awareness, enabling painless surgical and diagnostic procedures. It encompasses various methods to ensure patient comfort and safety during medical interventions. The main components of anesthesia include:
- Paralysis: Relaxation of the body muscles
- Analgesia: Pain prevention
- Amnesia: Memory suppression
- Unconsciousness: Induced sleep-like state
Anesthesia is vital for performing surgeries that would otherwise cause significant pain and distress or be technically impossible without it.
Types of Anesthesia
General Anesthesia
This type involves the suppression of the central nervous system, leading to complete unconsciousness and insensitivity to pain. It can be administered through intravenous agents or inhalation agents, allowing for extensive surgical procedures without discomfort to the patient.
Sedation aims to alleviate anxiety and prevent the formation of long-term memories without necessarily inducing full unconsciousness. It is often used for minor procedures and diagnostic tests.
Regional and Local Anesthesia
This category targets specific areas of the body, blocking nerve impulses to prevent sensation in a particular region. It is used for procedures such as dental work, minor surgeries, and sometimes in combination with general anesthesia for more extensive operations. Techniques include spinal and epidural anesthesia, which affect larger body areas by acting on the central nervous system.
Anesthetic Drugs
Depending on the procedure, a combination of drugs may be used, including:
- Analgesics
- General anesthetics
- Narcotics
- Local anesthetics
- Neuromuscular-blocking drugs
- Hypnotics
- Sedatives
Services Provided
Our Anesthesiology Department offers comprehensive services to support a wide range of medical and surgical needs, including:
- Perioperative care for surgical procedures
- Postoperative pain management
- Sedation for minor procedures
- Ultrasound-guided nerve blocks
- Emergency and trauma care
- Intensive Care Unit (ICU) management
- Anesthesia for painless delivery (epidural analgesia)
- Preoperative medical evaluations
- Pediatric anesthesia
- Anesthesia for radiology, endoscopy, and dentistry outside the operating theater
Our team of highly trained anesthesiologists provides expert care, ensuring patient safety and comfort throughout their medical journey. We believe in delivering high-quality healthcare that patients and their families can trust.